The Gism Annual Meeting 2025 will take place on 8 and 9 May 2025 in the magnificent atmosphere of the Complesso Monumentale di San Pietro in Perugia (Italy).
The event will take place for the second time in Umbria and will be organised under the auspices of the University of Perugia, the Department of Veterinary Medicine, the Department of Medicine and Surgery and the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute of Umbria and Marche “Togo Rosati”.
MSCs are one of the most fascinating topics in modern medicine. Their potential therapeutic applications range from regenerative medicine to immunotherapy and oncology and describe such a broad horizon as to arouse great expectations in the scientific world.
The meeting will highlight relevant advances in basic and translational MSC research in human and veterinary medicine.
A “One Health” session will focus on the application and outcomes of osteoarthritis in human and veterinary medicine. The other sessions will address important issues and technological advances related to MSC-based therapies, extracellular vesicles and MSC engineering.
The meeting will also include discussions on critical aspects of biomedical communication and the valorisation of research, and a “Next Generation Session” organized by young scientists.
A faculty of national and international experts and renowned speakers will provide exciting and inspiring debates as part of the challenging scientific programme.
To encourage the participation of the youngest members of our community, GISM will assign three “Young Investigator Awards” to the first author of a poster presented.

We look forward to meeting you in Perugia

Sincerely, the GISM President
and the local organizing committee
Augusto Pessina, Luisa Pascucci, Rita Romani, Valentina Grespi, Giulio Severi


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08 maggio 2025 09 maggio 2025
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